Joseph, in the Bible means 'disciplined or controlled imagination'. It is one of the primaal faculties of mind. It has the power to project and clothe your ideas, giving them visibility on the screen of space. Israel loved Jodeph. Israel is the spritually awakened man who knows the power of controlled imagination . It is called the 'son of his old age'. Son means expression'. Old age infers wisdom and knowledge of the laws of mind. when you become familiar with the laws of imagination, YOU WILL CALL IT ' the son of your old age.' Age is not the flight of years; it is really the dawn of wisdom and Divine knowledge in you. Imagination is the mighty intriment used by great scientist, artists, physicists,inventor, architects and mystics. When the world said, 'It is impossible; it can be done ,' the man with imagination said,' It is done' Through your imagination, you can also penetrate the dwpths of reality to reveal the secrets of nature. A ...