GOD is always successful in His undertaking.Man is equipped to succeed because God is within him. All the attributes, qualities and potencies of God are within. You were to win, to conquer indeed, to overcome! The Intelligence, Wisdom as well as [ower of God are within you waiting to be released and enabling you to rise above all difficulties. There are many men who quietly use the abstract term Success, over snd over many times a day until thwy reach a convition that success is theirs. Remember that reach idea of success contains all the essential elements of success. AS man repeats the word Success to himself with faith and civiction, his subconscious mind will accept it as true of himself. Now will be under subjective compulsion to succeed. We are compelled to express not only ours subjective beliefs, impression but also convictions. The ideal way to succeed is to know what you want to achieve. If you do not know your right place or what you would like to do, you can ask for guidence on the question. The deeper mind will respond as a result of activity. The deeper mind is responsive to your thought. The subconscious- sometimes called 'subjective' or deeper mind', sets in operstion its unconscious intelligene that attracts to the individual the consditions necessary for his success. Man should make it a special point to do the things he love to do. When you are happy in yours endeaour, you are a success. Accept the fact that you have an inner Creative Power. Let this be a positive conviction. this Infinite Power is responsive and reactive to your thought. To know. understand as also apply this principle makes doubt, fear and worry gradually disapper. If a man dwells on the thought, for example, of fsilure, the thought of failure attracts failure. The subconscious the thought of as his request to proceed to make his experience the reakity. Only because he indulges in the mental practice of conceiving failure. The subconscious friend of mine, a tailor ny trade, has a favorite saying: All I ever do is add. I never subtract. He means that success is a plus sign. Add to your growth, wealth and power, knowledge, faith as well as wisdom.
by:pintu kr Source: Book and self.


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